Michelle Green 是The Business of Baking (烘焙產業http://thebizofbaking.com/ )的版主,在去年(2015) 專題訪問了SweetAmbs的Amber老師,內容非常精彩,這篇文章有不少Amber老師的背景介紹、創作想法、以及給大家的建議。在得到Amber老師的同意下,皇后協助翻譯此篇文章,造福老師的粉絲們哦!
以下M為Michelle Green,A為Amber老師:
M: 很多烘焙賣家都是從看著電視節目或書介紹,然後開始為家人朋友製作,逐漸成為專業的賣家。妳可以告訴我們,SweetAmbs是怎麼開始的嗎?
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Icing decorating learning is an art; constantly learning is for improving our creativiting and techniques.
Cookie Queens has invited the most well known icing cookie decorator in the world, SweetAmbs of Amber Spiegel to teach an open class the 1st time in Asia. We are thrilled to have her here in Taiwan for the first time.
Amber has excellent teaching methods, her YouTube tutorials has always been the No. 1 viewed videos online. They are the fundamental inspirations of many beginners and advanced players. It will be an eye opening experience to be in one of Amber’s classes in person to really learn the techniques with every detailed she provided.
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皇后特邀國際知名度最高的糖霜餅乾老師:SweetAmbs of Amber Spiegel 首次公開在亞洲舉辦的糖霜課程,第一次就為我們來到台灣!
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